Who We Are…

Veterans Path Forward NC is committed to assisting Veterans with various needs. As a recognized non-profit organization in North Carolina, we provide comprehensive support and education on available resources for veterans, including benefits, homelessness assistance, food, and clothing, among others. We strive to actively engage with our local community and serve as a valuable resource for both Veterans and the community. I the founder of VPFNC am currently in the process of educating myself on the process of becoming VA-accredited. Once that is complete and we gain accreditation VPFNC will be better positioned to continue serving the Veteran community.


We started a sister company called Veterans Path Forward LLC with the intent of helping veterans build a pathway to success. After much deliberation, we decided to dissolve the LLC and open Veterans Path Forward NC. We felt we could achieve our mission without focusing on profiting from the veteran or veteran community other than operating costs. We are currently in the process of getting our 501 (c) 3 designation as Veterans Path Forward NC and will be very active in the community in the next few months and have since dissolved Veterans Path Forward LLC.

Where We Stand…

Our organization is committed to providing comprehensive support and education to Veterans and transitioning service members. As a non-profit, we were founded by Veterans and continue to be operated by them with a focus on improving the quality of life for our fellow Veterans. We do not hold any animosity towards any other organization or for-profit company that is dedicated to helping Veterans receive the assistance they need. We are more than happy to guide Veterans toward Veterans Affairs, other non-profit organizations, and even for-profit companies if necessary. We understand that each company or organization has its approach to serving Veterans, and we do not wish to impede or engage in politics with Veteran-owned and operated organizations that have the best interests of Veterans at heart. Instead, we aim to collaborate with other organizations to find the most effective ways to serve our community of Veterans. With that being said, Veterans Path Forward will not partner with, collaborate with, or promote predatory companies that only aim to profit off a Veteran and their hard-earned benefits.